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General Fit

General Fit

OMR 5.250

Zerek Cavalla

The Zerek Cavalla is a fast sinking minnow designed for ultra-long casts and high speed retrieves...

The Zerek Cavalla is a fast sinking minnow designed for ultra-long casts and high speed retrieves for both shore and boat base casting applications. It's tough ABS features "wire through" construction to withstand repeated strikes from pelagic predators. The profile of the bib reproduces the movement of the fleeing baitfish without relying on rod twitching to impact swimming action. The lure is also centrally balanced to provide stability when the lure is retrieved. The Cavalla can be effecti...

OMR 4.500


ABOUT THIS LURE 45GRAM Made from ABS and utilizing"Through Wire" hook hangerconstruction, the Cav...

ABOUT THIS LURE 45GRAM Made from ABS and utilizing"Through Wire" hook hangerconstruction, the Cavalla is builtfor harsh saltwater castingtargeting King Mackerel andTuna.The Cavalla features highlyreflective baitfishcoloursweighted for fast sinking andbalanced to suit fast retrieval.  ABOUT THIS LURE 48GRAM The all new Cavalla ZR-Zero Resistance isthe ultimate heavy sinking minnow,designed for extreme blue water castinggame. It features a redesigned bib whichallows ZERO resistance on each retr...

OMR 4.500 OMR 5.300